Devon "Skee" Brown - SkeeCustoms

Over the past two decades, fashion has transcended into different realms and added value to different parts of the fashion culture. Designer trends have been in an uproar, vintage pieces of clothing have resurfaced, and new trends have surfaced like custom pieces. Devon Brown a.k.a. SkeeCustoms, is an emerging artist based out of Denver, specializing in custom work. Anything from shoes, clothing, rugs, art, etc… His fashion spark dates back to 7th grade; where he went to an alternative school (grades seven through twelve). Taking notes from the kids in the upper levels, he began learning how to be fashionable. Skee’s jump into fashion, as an artist, came from a college teammate who inspired his customs journey. He soon grew to love doing custom work.
Fashion is more than putting on trendy or expensive clothes. It requires a selective skillset, mixing and matching, color coordination, and the combination of not going overboard, but instead, delivering the outfit the way you intend. “I think fashion today is in a weird place. I feel like a lot of people are wearing things to look cool. Not because they actually like or want it. Especially when it comes to sneakers or designers”. - Skee
Individuality is a necessary component of fashion. We live in a present time where your outfit speaks volumes. Skee praises the side of fashion that’s unpopular, brands like Asic, Saucony, and New Balance. These are all brands that he resonates with. He also appreciates how progressive fashion is, “I love seeing someone in something that I couldn't pull off, but see them killing it. It’s refreshing because you know that it took effort as to how they put it all together.”
Influence and collaboration are essential pieces to fashion. We are either inspired by or wanting to work with people that also thrive in their craft. Skee has an ideal candidate for someone who he’d like to collaborate with. An artist by the name of Bre, “super established and cold blooded when it comes to customs.” Every artist would like to be known for something or a staple that has left an imprint. Custom artists can be viewed similar to athletes and signature shoe or clothing deals. Although he is in high demand for his shoe customs, he would like for his staple to be custom pants. “I love funky wild a** pants. I feel like that's the true key to fashion. Pants.”
Skee does come from an athletic background, having played basketball all throughout high school and college. The trajectory of fashion is set through athletes and entertainers. He mentioned artists like Don C. who is influenced heavily by sports culture. Drake stated in a song, “I swear sports and music are so synonymous. Cause we want to be them and they want to be us.” “Music, Sports, and Fashion all pour into each other”. - Skee
Everyone could identify one person that has influenced their fashion etiquette, or maybe, you even pull from multiple hats to create your style. There’s no one "right" way to do things. Skee identified a few iconic names that are his inspirations: Pharrel, Lil Yatchty, and Tyler The Creator, but the omega of Skee’s catalog belongs to Kanye West. West, who's been at the top of the leaderboard since middle school for Skee. West, known for “pushing boundaries and creating transformational pieces” the past two decades.
We all hold a long term goal or vision for ourselves - something that we could ride off into the sunset and spend the rest of our lives doing. The long-term goal for SkeeCustoms is to become a storefront/gallery where everything is custom. Rugs, Art, Sneakers, Clothing, all while featuring an assortment of other artists. Becoming a household name for athletes to go and get their customs pieces from. Also, inspiring the younger generation that there is more than one way to be successful. There is a small population of athletes and entertainers, so for those that don’t fit the mold, don’t let that be the only tunnel you give a shot. Our dreams start when we take off, not when someone says we can achieve it. Keep your fashion palate diverse and stay solid in your individuality and support your people, artists, brands, companies.. etc